Posted by: saramcglothlin | July 7, 2012

Size (or Shape) Doesn’t Matter


It’s hot here.  Like, really hot.  I just heard on the radio that the heat index is supposed to reach 115 degrees!  Therefore, I have stayed inside today, and even had to hit the gym for my workout.  There was no way I was running outside.


Breakfast was a little bit of a mess, but still so delicious.  I wanted to use up the rest of my figs, so I decided to chop them up to put in a protein pancake.  I also added some blueberries, and I’m thinking it was too much for the pancake to hold?  It definitely didn’t flip correctly, and came up in a scramble just like my very first one.  But given all the fruit mixed in, I actually liked it this way

Blueberry-Banana-Fig Protein Pancake Scramble:

  •  2 egg whites
  • 1 scoop brown rice protein powder
  • 1 T chia
  • 2 T soy milk
  • 1/2 banana mashed
  • 2 figs diced
  • 1/4 c blueberries
  • almond butter blob & rest of banana sliced


I then took my Silver Bars out of the fridge to see how they turned out.  Just like my pancake, size, nor shape, matters here my friends.  I managed to get 4 round bars, and had to improvise with the rest of it.  I got some pretty interesting shapes I think.

Wrapped, packed, and ready to snack!

I was a little bummed that I had to go to the gym for a workout; I looked outside and thought “why oh why can’t it be this pretty and 72 degrees?”  Oh yea, it’s July in Richmond, VA, and the only time you get 72 is in the middle of the night (if you’re lucky).  I browsed some blogs for a little motivation, and stumbled across Julie’s jump rope circuit.

Jumping rope I could do.  I started to incorporate it into my workouts a couple of months ago, and I just love how it gets your heart pumping, especially when done in a circuit.  I took a picture of her page with my iPhone and headed over.

I warmed up with 10 minutes on the elliptical and then got jumping

It requires a minimal amount of equipment, which is always good.  I did each exercise for 60 seconds with a 30 second break in between each one per Julie’s instruction.

I felt great afterwards, that’s for sure!  I ended my workout with 10 minutes on the stationary bike while finishing up a Real Simple I had sitting in my car for over a month now.

It was then time to eat (love it when that happens after a workout), and lunch totally hit the spot when I got home.  I was craving a sandwich, so I put together my favorite combo: Turkey & avocado

Turkey on whole wheat bread with 1/2 avocado spread, spicy brown mustard, arugula, tomato; side of veggies

I couldn’t resist breaking into my newly-made silver bars, or ball in this case

Ya know, not bad.  The taste my take some getting used to (and it’s nothing like Grab the Gold bars), but it is filling with a hearty, “earthy” taste which I like.  Plus, they saved me a pretty penny.  DIY snack bars are great in that sense.

I’m spending the rest of my Saturday relaxin’!

How do you motivate yourself to workout when you’re not feeling up to it?



  1. Your whole day looks perfect so far <3. Love that Jump Rope Circuit from Julie's page!! Hope your Sunday is just as wonderful!

    When I'm not up to working out, I'll just look at all of my workouts I have saved for a workout that will put me in a good mood 🙂

  2. […] Doing a circuit workout […]

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