Posted by: saramcglothlin | October 12, 2012

Now I REALLY Want a Vitamix

Happy Friday to you!

I spent the large part of my Friday afternoon in Whole Foods demoing Health Warrior chia bars!  I say that with exclamation because it is fun; being out and about talking to real people about real food beats sitting at a desk any day.  I love my job.

Leading up to it, it was pretty much a normal day.  My boss let me sleep in a little later this morning (I love my boss) because we were demoing in Charlottesville yesterday, and I didn’t get home until about 8:30 PM.  Granted sleeping in for me is 6:30 AM as I was still going to treat it like a work day, but it was still an extra hour.  I went on a walk/run as the sun was rising…what a way to start a day.

I came home and fixed some “oatless”oats for breakfast and enjoyed them (at a leisurely pace nonetheless) with some coffee.

  • 3 egg whites
  • 1/2 c almond milk
  • 1 really ripe banana
  • 1.5 T flax seed
  • 1 T HW chia
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • blackberries

Four hours and a mid-morning snack later, I had lunch, which entailed a green salad with goat cheese & pear

and a bowl of pumpkin tempeh chili

Today’s demo was different from yesterday’s in that it was a lot slower.  I think the Richmond Folk Festival that’s going on all weekend had something to do with it.  We still sold some bars though!

Right next to us, there was a guy demoing a Vitamix which is a coincidence since I just posted about it.  Now I really want one!

I tried flirting my way to a free Vitamix, but apparently that’s only successful with alcohol and drunk guys in bars.  Damn.  I did score some green juice though!

Ok fine, so did everyone else, but he did give me 2…ha!  See, I still got it.

Please remember to check out my Muir Glen Giveaway!  Free stuff!  You have until Sunday.

I’m off to go chill out in front of a movie.  Goodnight!

Do you have a Vitamix?  If not, would you ever get one?


  1. I don’t have a vitamix, but I have heard how great they are. I probably wouldn’t go out and buy it with my own money but if it was a gift I wouldn’t complain:)

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