Posted by: saramcglothlin | October 19, 2012

New and Improved

Happy Friday!  That never gets old.  Although I love my job, I always look forward to Fridays and some R&R without having to worry about the workday ahead.  Sometimes I have a hard time thinking about how to fill my Saturday (another day in the life of a single 20-something I guess), but tomorrow is jam packed…stay tuned!


It was warm outside this morning, a temperature that was begging for an outdoor run in October, but it was drizzling (that misty drizzle that turns me into a cat in a bathtub…I hate the feeling on my skin!), so I headed to the gym.

  • 30 minutes on the stair-stepper while reading the latest issue of Shape during which, I came across this article:


Told y’all!  Eat Chia.  The nutritionist who is cited (Ashley Koff) has already approved Health Warrior products on her AKA list.  Check it out!

  • 20 minutes of treadmill work


Some very voluminous pumpkin oats


which I covered with topped with almond butter, raw cashews, sliced banana, and cinnamon


Breakfast of Health Warriors.

It was an exciting day at work today.  In fact, we have been waiting impatiently for this day to come.

I did the honors


Health Warrior got a face lift!  Our new and improved packaging has finally arrived.  In fact, it was recently voted among the top 15 “prettiest packaging” at Expo East.


It’s almost like our new child.  Look at Austin’s face!  So proud.


Our CEO Shane admiring for the first time.



But what’s even better is that with our new packaging comes our new Chocolate Peanut Butter recipe.  Previously, this was our driest bar as the peanut flour and cocoa powder are very dry substances to work with.  But now it tastes like a Tagalong Girl Scout cookie.  That makes 2/3 of our bars comparable to Girl Scout cookies.  SO good!  I broke into it immediately

Oh yeah.

Then it was demo time.  With new packaging in…that means old packaging must go out


We caught the lunch rush at Whole Foods Short Pump.  My favorite moment was seeing one mother’s face light up when I told her the bars were dairy-free and soy-free; her daughter is severely allergic to both and can never find nutrition bars that fit the bill.  I swear she almost hugged me.  If only I could take credit!

Lunch featured another shmorgasboard from Whole Foods’ salad bar.  I paired it with a greek yogurt for an extra protein punch

Spinach, tofu, chickpeas, purple cabbage, beet & carrot salad, sweet potato slices, walnuts, red peppers 


My Friday night was calling for beer and pizza, so I hit up Ellwood’s on the way home and picked up the fix’ins

  • lavash flat bread
  • pesto
  • spinach
  • mozzarella
  • 1 tomato

I followed this recipe for the perfect pizza


Topped with lots of greens of course





And what’s pizza without beer?


Anything exciting happen to you today??


  1. Yumm everything looks amazing! Especially your pumpkin oats! I love the new packaging, too!

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